Try Again

Try Again

Scholars estimate that there are currently between five-hundred-eleven and seventy-two-thousand-nine-hundred-fourteen reasons to celebrate the life of Samuel Beckett, who was born on this day in 1906. I list below only a few, with no organizational reference to...
And The Award Goes To…

And The Award Goes To…

Generally speaking, we here at And Why Not? prefer to focus on the positive. There’s enough crap in the world that when given the opportunity to be affirmative, we take it. Hence the recent reflections on what an awesome song November Rain is. But sometimes, in...
That Dying Gasp

That Dying Gasp

When I was a kid we had chickens. The chickens lived in a coop in the barn, but during the days we let them roam about the lawn, an activity they seemed to enjoy until the day a neighbor’s dogs came for a visit. The dogs did exactly what dogs will do to chickens...
It’s Okay With Me

It’s Okay With Me

I’ve been on a bit of a mystery kick lately with several friends. We’ve read through some classic American tough-guy fiction—Dashiel Hammet’s The Maltese Falcon, Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep and The Long Goodbye—and contrasted the books...
UTAH—Seriously—What The Fuck??

UTAH—Seriously—What The Fuck??

Every now and then I read something in the news that makes me scratch my head hard. I’m not talking about a gentle forehead rub or even a brief temple massage. I’m talking about the sort of nail-scraping abrading guys like me, ones with already dangerously...
There is No “My” in Science

There is No “My” in Science

After years of arduous searching, I am proud to announce to Americans everywhere that I have found the bridge that will unite our divided and polarized country. It is the most unlikely of bonds, and it is called science. Now, by science I do not mean science, the...